IBS Solutions

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Fruit juices & wholemeal bread are good?

It is said that fruit juices are high in vitamins and minerals and it is also said that the fiber in wholemeal bread can help lower your cholesterol levels.

Well, if you think they are healthy think twice. The information in this post may sound ridiculous to you: that fruit juices and (some) wholemeal bread are not good for people, IBS people like you and me included.

Fruit juices VS sodas

People wanting to be healthy have been avoiding sodas but not fruit juices as the former is loaded with sugar, which can make you gain weight, become obese, and increase your risk of type 2 diabetes. Well, the part about sodas is correct but I don’t think you have read the following information from Dr. Lustig:

100 percent orange juice is worse for you than soda……

From Fat chance the hidden truth about sugar, obesity, and disease (P.119)

Why fruit juices are bad

Here are the reasons why you have to stop drinking fruit juices. Have you ever wondered why fruits come with pulps? Well, they are there for a reason, right? When you eat an orange with its pulps (instead of simply drinking the juice) the pulps block you from absorbing fructose (sugar in fruits) too fast. What happens to your body if you take fructose too fast? A sudden surge of blood sugar level, something that everyone tries their best to avoid.

But for IBS people, the situation may be even worse. A warning given by Dr. Lustig in the same book is:

Fructose may also contribute to breakdown of the intestinal barrier.

From Fat chance the hidden truth about sugar, obesity, and disease (P.124)

In other words, and I guess some of you may already know. Fruit juices may cause leaky gut, which means:

  • Tight junctions in your guts (controlling what passes through the lining of your small intestine) do not work properly, and
  • Bacteria enter your bloodstream

Wholemeal bread & gluten

What about wholemeal bread? Why are they not good?

There are two reasons for this. The first one is that during the process of making, bakers add more gluten to make the bread rise and as mentioned in the previous post, gluten is the one who ‘bribes’ cells on the wall of intestines and enters your bloodstream, causing lots of troubles.

However, the second reason is about a much bigger issue.

Dark side of modern wheat grain

Even if bakers do not add gluten to wholemeal bread, you still have to stay away from it. Why?

  • Isn’t it something natural?
  • Isn’t it something that we humans have been eating since ages ago?
  • In other words, how can it be not good?
  • Why should people, with or without IBS, stay away from it?

The truth is there is a dark side to modern technology. And the two invisible hands behind the wheat grain we eat are: hybridisation and gene-modifying technology. Dr. Perlmutter, a renowned neurologist, claims that the wheat grain we eat has:

almost no genetic, structural, or chemical likeness to what hunter-gatherers might have stumbled upon.

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers

Simply put, what our grand-grand-grand parents ate was something natural and healthy. However, modern wheat grain is not natural and this unnaturalness is not healthy!